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 The ACPI Voice Minimize
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By Annabelle Reitman on 1/15/2014 10:43 AM
ACPI is beginning 2014 with the relaunching of a major communication tool for its members – the Blog called ACPI Voice. Blending Career Voice International into this more user-friendly format affords me opportunity joom.com/en - expression hair to maintain my service to our unique global career organization.
By host on 5/23/2012 3:41 PM

Here we are in May already: wow, where has the year gone? Mine has flown by helping clients, achieving goals and developing my skills - likely the same for you.

Thank you to those who read and commented on my first ACPI blog. It was great to see people read it, and that the idea of resource sharing is welcomed. The ACP International Board Members are committed to this being a great community and one of the hallmarks of a strong and healthy professional community is that willingness to share and grow together. Let's keep the spirit of sharing, going and growing.
By host on 2/22/2012 2:18 PM

Career PD and trends

To 2012 and to the newly revived and revitalised ACPI resources area.

This is the first blog of the year and is intended to set the scene for what we hope will soon become an interactive global conversation in which you are all involved.

You may have seen the recent Career Voice International where I was announced as the Member Resources co-ordinator.  Pretty much my role is to gather information on and links to as many resources as possible for inclusion on the site – your site!

We are a global group so I welcome your help in doing this.  There are already some fabulous resources and references around.  Check these out to start – if you haven’t already

       As of the end of February, the Forum of Labour Market Minister’s website will have updated versions of two products:

Labour Market Information Product Guidelines...
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